MG Myanmar Official Announcement


“Petition to the esteemed Myanmar Citizens regarding MG Myanmar”

It is unfortunate that we now see so much misinformation about MG Myanmar on social media among the citizens and community of MG Myanmar. Therefore, we, MG Myanmar, would like to announce the release of this petition.

  • As MG Myanmar is a part of people of Myanmar, we feel very much in agreement with each and every one of the people in the current situation in Myanmar.
  • We at MG Myanmar are not (at all) involved in any governmental organization; MG Brand New cars are being officially registered in Myanmar under the patents of ordinary businessmen U Ko Ko Naing (@) U Naing Phyo Kyaw and U Ye Thi Ha.
  • Our MG Car Showrooms have been officially closed temporarily since February 1, when the unfortunate unrest in our country began and our staffs are also freely involved in public activities. All employees who are involved in this are being fully supported without any (absolute) reduction in salary benefits.

Since the announcement of our statement on the true situation of MG Myanmar, we respectfully request that you do not continue to write or distribute false information, either personally or personally.